A layman’s guide to stable mental health (AKA my appeal for people to go to therapy)
Sure, we get hit by a virus from time to time. But how long to we want to neglect taking the equivalent of Vitamin C for the much more frequent aggressors to our mental health, such as worries on the job, stress, marital problems, financial woes, etc.? The dangerous prejudice that therapy is “only for crazy” people impedes prevention and proactive thinking towards maintaining strong mental health.
A rolling start: how to get back on your feet
Sometimes the daunting task of starting your goal-seeking from behind can be the motivator for you to kick some but and bolt through the finishing line.
New Year, New Goals, New Blog
I will run a 3h15m marathon in New York City in the year 2024. This site will show you how I’ll get there, along with live hacks, tips and amazing experiences.